Subject Timetable - 2005

Last Publish Date: 28 Feb, 2005 12:00:00am

Please refer back to Timetables regularly as there can be changes during the first 2 weeks of session.

Class Type Day Start Finish Location
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDGH957/Multiliteracies and Numeracies in Ad Educ/VET/Higher Educ@21C
Seminar Wed 17:30 18:00 22.101
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDGH953/Design and Use of New Technologies in Ad Educ/VET/Higher Educ@21C
Seminar Thu 17:30 18:00 22.101
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUT432/Inquiry Project in Education
Lecture\Tutorial Mon 09:30 12:30 19.1056
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUT432/Inquiry Project in Education
Lecture\Tutorial TBA     Refer Educ Fac
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDGS918/Approaches to Reading Difficulties: Theories and Strategies
Seminar Tue 09:30 10:00 Refer Educ Fac
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUF304/Early Childhood Curriculum
Lecture Thu 09:30 11:30 21.105
Tutorial Thu 08:30 09:30 21.105
Tutorial Thu 11:30 12:30 21.105
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUE308/PDHPE: Health Promotion
Lecture\Tutorial Tue 13:30 16:30 19.G002
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUC213/Educational Psychology in Teaching and Learning
Lecture\Tutorial Mon 09:30 12:30 52
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUE340/Materials & Technology In Second Language Teaching
Seminar Mon 16:30 19:30 21.105
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUL441/Language Education Key Learning Area Elective III
Lecture\Tutorial Mon 16:30 19:30 53
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUE319/Programming and Methodology in Second Language Teaching
Lecture\Tutorial Wed 16:30 19:30 21.G01
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUF232/Early Intervention and Children with Special Needs
Lecture Wed 13:30 15:30 3.121
Tutorial Wed 16:30 17:30 19.G002
Tutorial Wed 17:30 18:30 19.G024
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUS335/HSIE KLA Elective II
Seminar Thu 13:30 16:30 21.105
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUS213/Science in Early Childhood II
Lecture Mon 09:30 10:30 19.G016
Tutorial Mon 10:30 12:00 21.G01
Tutorial Mon 12:00 13:30 21.G01
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUP444/PDH&PE Key Learning Area Elective IV
Lecture\Tutorial Thu 16:30 19:30 19.1002
2005/Wollongong/ANNU/EDGC876/French Method
Lecture\Tutorial Tue 10:30 12:30 23.125
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDGS923/Project in Gifted Education
Seminar Wed 16:30 19:30 Refer Educ Fac
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUP223/Skill Analysis and Performance II
Practical Wed 09:30 10:30 19.G024
Practical Wed 11:30 12:30 25.159
Practical Wed 10:30 11:30 40.124
Practical Mon 09:30 10:30 19.G024
Practical Mon 10:30 11:30 19.G024
Tutorial Mon 08:30 09:30 53
Tutorial Mon 11:30 12:30 19.2001
Tutorial Mon 12:30 13:30 51
Tutorial Mon 13:30 14:30 19.G015
2005/Wollongong/ANNU/EDGC883/Computer Studies Method
Lecture\Tutorial Mon 16:30 19:30 19.2021
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUP124/Skill Analysis and Performance I
Practical Tue 10:30 11:30 URAC
Practical Tue 08:30 09:30 URAC
Practical Tue 09:30 10:30 URAC
Practical Mon 11:30 12:30 URAC
Practical Mon 13:30 14:30 URAC
Practical Mon 12:30 13:30 URAC
Practical Mon 10:30 11:30 URAC
Practical Mon 09:30 10:30 URAC
Practical Mon 14:30 15:30 URAC
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDGI916/Project for EDGI915
Seminar Mon 16:30 19:30 22.107
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUC217/The Psychology of Exceptional Children
Lecture\Tutorial Tue 16:30 19:30 19.G005
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDGS912/Contemporary Perspectives Education of Students with Diverse Needs
Seminar Wed 16:30 19:30 19.1002
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDGL911/Leadership of Curriculum and Instruction
Seminar Mon 16:30 19:30 19.G015
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDGZ922/Conducting Research & Inquiry
Seminar Mon 16:30 19:30 67.343
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUP362/Issues in Drug Education
Seminar Mon 13:30 16:30 40.124
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUP366/Independent Project in Physical and Health Education
Seminar Wed 13:30 16:30 19.1002
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDGT983/Assessment in TESOL
Seminar Thu 16:30 19:30 1.G05
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDGH951/The Global Challenge in Adult Education/VET/Higher Education@21C
Seminar Tue 17:30 18:00 22.101
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUE408/Placement In Physical and Health Education
Lecture\Tutorial Wed 09:30 12:30 19.G002
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUE416/Environmental Education Through Information Technology
Lecture\Tutorial Thu 16:30 19:30 17.103
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUE316/Environmental Education - The Built Environment
Lecture\Tutorial Wed 13:30 16:30 21.G01
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUF421/Leadership and International Perspectives In Education
Lecture\Tutorial Tue 16:30 19:30 21.G05A
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUF106/Child Development and Care I
Lecture Thu 08:30 10:30 40.131
Tutorial Thu 11:30 12:30 40.124
Tutorial Thu 10:30 11:30 19.1017
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUF104/Early Childhood Learning Environment I
Lecture Tue 08:30 10:30 19.1056
Tutorial Tue 10:30 11:30 19.1056
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUA201/Creative Arts Education
Lecture Wed 08:30 09:30 67.107
Seminar Thu 10:30 11:30 21.101
Seminar Thu 11:30 12:30 21.101
Seminar Wed 13:30 14:30 21.101
Seminar Wed 14:30 15:30 21.101
Seminar Wed 15:30 16:30 21.101
Seminar Thu 08:30 09:30 21.101
Seminar Thu 09:30 10:30 21.101
Workshop Tue 08:30 09:30 21.101
Workshop Tue 10:30 11:30 21.101
Workshop Tue 14:30 15:30 21.101
Workshop Thu 14:30 15:30 21.101
Workshop Thu 15:30 16:30 21.101
Workshop Tue 09:30 10:30 21.101
Workshop Tue 15:30 16:30 21.101
2005/Wollongong/ANNU/EDGC872/Music Method B
Lecture\Tutorial Thu 13:30 14:30 21.101
Lecture\Tutorial Thu 14:30 16:30 21.101A
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUF313/Historical and Philosophical Perspectives of Early Childhood
Lecture\Tutorial Mon 15:30 16:30 25.G11
Lecture\Tutorial Mon 13:30 16:30 52
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDGT923/Teaching Grammar and Vocabulary
Lecture Tue 16:30 19:30 25.128
Tutorial Tue 16:30 19:30 40.128
Tutorial Tue 13:30 16:30 40.126
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUM224/Mathematics Education KLA Elective I
Seminar Tue 08:30 11:30 8.G21
Seminar Tue 13:30 16:30 53
Seminar Tue 13:30 16:30 21.G01
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUL224/Language Education KLA Elective I
Lecture Mon 10:30 11:30 19.G016
Tutorial Mon 13:30 15:30 22.G22
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDGC811/Understanding Learning A
Lecture Tue 08:30 10:30 14.G01
Lecture Wed 14:30 16:30 14.G01
Tutorial Mon 08:30 10:30 21.G05A
Tutorial Thu 10:30 12:30 40.122
Tutorial Thu 13:30 15:30 21.G05A
Tutorial Wed 08:30 10:30 67.302
Tutorial Fri 15:30 17:30 53
Tutorial Wed 10:30 12:30 21.G05A
Tutorial Mon 13:30 15:30 21.G05A
Tutorial Thu 14:30 16:30 53
Tutorial Mon 15:30 17:30 21.G05A
Tutorial Fri 13:30 15:30 19.G027
Tutorial Tue 15:30 17:30 19.G026
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUP323/Advanced Skill Analysis I
Practical Tue 09:30 10:30 19.G024
Practical Fri 10:30 11:30 25.159
Practical Fri 11:30 12:30 19.1084
Practical Fri 09:30 10:30 25.149
Practical Fri 13:30 14:30 67.201
Practical Tue 10:30 11:30 67.203
Practical Tue 10:30 11:30 21.G05A
Practical Tue 08:30 09:30 25.149
Practical Fri 14:30 15:30 67.201
Practical Tue 08:30 09:30 25.159
Practical Tue 09:30 10:30 19.1084
Practical Fri 08:30 09:30 25.149
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUT111/Curriculum and Pedagogy I
Lecture Mon 08:30 09:30 40.HOPE
Tutorial Mon 15:30 16:30 3.122
Tutorial Mon 15:30 16:30 53
Tutorial Mon 15:30 16:30 19.G026
Tutorial Mon 14:30 15:30 41.202
Tutorial Mon 14:30 15:30 3.122
Tutorial Mon 15:30 16:30 21.G01
Tutorial Mon 13:30 14:30 4.G31
Tutorial Mon 13:30 14:30 19.1001
Tutorial Mon 14:30 15:30 19.G024
Tutorial Mon 13:30 14:30 21.G01
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDGI951/Visual and Interface Design
Seminar Tue 16:30 19:30 22.107
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDGI952/Project for EDGI951
Seminar Tue 16:30 19:30 22.107
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDGI932/Project for EDGI931
Seminar Wed 16:30 19:30 22.107
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDGL920/Developing and Managing People
Seminar Wed 16:30 19:30 67.343
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUE329/Teaching Listening to Second Language Learners
Seminar Mon 16:30 19:30 21.105
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUP367/Sports Studies II
Seminar Tue 08:30 11:30 URAC Sports Lounge
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDGS910/Learning Theories and Exceptionality
Seminar Thu 16:30 19:30 67.343
2005/Wollongong/ANNU/EDGC857/Social Science Method A- (Geography)
Lecture\Tutorial Tue 15:30 18:30 21.105
2005/Wollongong/ANNU/EDGC862/Method for Primary Teachers B (3-6)
Lecture\Tutorial Wed 16:30 19:30 19.1084
Lecture\Tutorial Wed 16:30 19:30 21.G05A
Lecture\Tutorial Wed 16:30 19:30 23.125
Lecture\Tutorial Wed 16:30 19:30 19.1083
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDGI913/Instructional Strategies and Authoring
Seminar Wed 16:30 19:30 22.107
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDGI914/Project for EDGI913
Seminar Wed 16:30 19:30 22.107
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDGL906/Project For EDGL905
Seminar Mon 16:30 19:30 67.301
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUE412/Programming for Individuals with Moderate to Severe Disabilities
Seminar Tue 13:30 16:30 19.G024
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUE407/Inquiry Project In Physical and Health Education
Lecture\Tutorial TBA     Refer Educ Fac
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUP446/Contemporary Health Issues
Lecture Wed 10:30 11:30 35.G20
Seminar Fri 13:30 15:30 40.131
Seminar Fri 08:30 10:30 52
Seminar Fri 10:30 12:30 53
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUE331/Teaching Reading to Second Language Learners
Lecture\Tutorial Wed 16:30 17:30 3.123
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUA111/Creative and Expressive Arts IN Early Childhood
Lecture\Tutorial Wed 09:30 12:30 21.101
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUA441/Creative Arts Key Learning Area Elective III
Lecture\Tutorial Thu 09:30 12:30 21.101
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUS441/Human Society and It's Environment KLA Elective III
Lecture\Tutorial Mon 10:30 13:30 21.G05A
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUT422/Reflective Practice
Lecture\Tutorial Thu 15:30 16:30 19.1002
Lecture\Tutorial Thu 13:30 15:30 67.303
Lecture\Tutorial Thu 15:30 16:30 67.301
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUF353/Management of Early Childhood Services
Lecture\Tutorial Thu 09:30 12:30 52
Tutorial Thu 10:30 12:30 67.201
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUP201/Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
Lecture Thu 13:30 14:30 25.107
Lecture Tue 13:30 14:30 40.HOPE
Lecture Thu 13:30 14:30 67.107
Tutorial Thu 15:30 16:30 URAC
Tutorial Thu 15:30 16:30 27.105
Tutorial Thu 14:30 15:30 27.105
Tutorial Thu 14:30 15:30 21.G01
Tutorial Thu 15:30 16:30 21.G01
Tutorial Thu 15:30 16:30 51
Tutorial Thu 14:30 15:30 51
Tutorial Thu 14:30 15:30 URAC
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUL335/Language Education KLA Elective II
Lecture Fri 09:30 10:30 40.131
Lecture Fri 10:30 12:30 19.G015
Lecture Fri 10:30 12:30 19.1004
2005/Wollongong/ANNU/EDGC856/History Method
Lecture\Tutorial TBA     Refer Educ Fac
Lecture\Tutorial Wed 16:30 19:30 19.2021
2005/Wollongong/ANNU/EDGC860/Social Science Method C-(Legal Studies)
Lecture\Tutorial TBA     Refer Educ Fac
2005/Wollongong/ANNU/EDGC881/Computer Studies Method A
Lecture\Tutorial TBA     Refer Educ Fac
2005/Wollongong/ANNU/EDGC858/Social Science Method B- (Economics)
Lecture\Tutorial TBA     Refer Educ Fac
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUF303/Early Childhood Learning Environment III
Lecture Mon 09:30 11:30 52
Tutorial Mon 12:30 13:30 19.1056
Tutorial Mon 11:30 12:30 19.1056
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUS226/Human Society and its Environment KLA Elective I
Seminar Mon 13:30 16:30 21.105
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUS122/Mathematics in Early Childhood
Lecture Thu 16:30 18:30 14.G01
Tutorial Wed 13:30 14:30 53
Tutorial Wed 11:30 12:30 53
Tutorial Wed 10:30 11:30 53
Tutorial Wed 09:30 10:30 53
Tutorial Thu 11:30 12:30 53
Tutorial Thu 10:30 11:30 53
Tutorial Thu 09:30 10:30 53
Tutorial Thu 08:30 09:30 53
Tutorial Thu 13:30 14:30 53
Tutorial Wed 08:30 09:30 53
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUP243/Exploring Emotional Well Being
Lecture Thu 08:30 09:30 67.102
Lecture Fri 11:30 12:30 35.G20
Tutorial Thu 09:30 10:30 21.G05A
Tutorial Thu 10:30 11:30 21.G05A
Tutorial Thu 11:30 12:30 21.G05A
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDGI918/Project for Instructional Design
Seminar Mon 16:30 19:30 22.107
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUE319/Programming and Methodology in Second Language Teaching
Lecture\Tutorial Wed 15:30 19:30 67.302
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUE322/The Psychology of Exceptional Children
Lecture\Tutorial Tue 16:30 19:30 19.G005
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDGL921/Project for EDGL920
Seminar Wed 16:30 19:30 67.343
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDGA959/Adult Literacy
Seminar Tue 16:30 19:30 40.124
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDGL919/Mentoring Beginning Teachers
Seminar Tue 16:30 19:30 67.343
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDGZ922/Conducting Research & Inquiry
Seminar Mon 16:30 19:30 67.343
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUP313/Advanced Coaching & Administration
Seminar Fri 13:30 16:30 19.G005
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUP363/Stress Management
Seminar Tue 08:30 11:30 41.202
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDGT921/Teaching Reading to Second Language Learners
Seminar Wed 16:30 19:30 67.302
2005/Wollongong/ANNU/EDGC871/Music Method A
Lecture\Tutorial Mon 16:30 19:30 21.101
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUE415/School and Community Based Sustainable Development Practices
Lecture\Tutorial Thu 16:30 19:30 21.G01
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUE408/Placement In Physical and Health Education
Lecture\Tutorial Mon 13:30 16:30 19.1017
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUT302/Curriculum and Pedagogy III
Lecture Thu 11:30 12:30 25.107
Lecture Thu 10:30 11:30 25.107
Lecture Tue 08:30 09:30 40.HOPE
Tutorial Fri 13:30 15:30 21.101
Tutorial Fri 11:00 13:00 21.101A
Tutorial Fri 11:00 13:00 21.G01
Tutorial Fri 13:30 15:30 21.G01
Tutorial Fri 08:30 10:30 21.G01
Tutorial Fri 08:30 10:30 21.101A
Tutorial Fri 08:30 10:30 21.101
Tutorial Fri 11:00 13:00 21.101
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDGH955/Professional Development in Ad Educ/VET/Higher Educ@21C
Seminar Mon 18:30 19:00 22.101
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUL202/Language and Literacy Education II
Lecture Thu 08:30 10:30 14.G01
Tutorial Fri 13:30 14:30 19.G024
Tutorial Thu 13:30 14:30 3.123
Tutorial Fri 14:30 15:30 40.123
Tutorial Thu 11:30 12:30 3.123
Tutorial Fri 08:30 09:30 67.301
Tutorial Fri 13:30 14:30 40.123
Tutorial Fri 14:30 15:30 25.G11
Tutorial Thu 13:30 14:30 67.301
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUE414/Cognition, Interface and Interactivity
Lecture\Tutorial Thu 16:30 19:30 22.107
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUE335/Teaching Speaking to Second Language Learners
Lecture\Tutorial Thu 17:30 20:30 67.201
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUT301/Research Methods
Lecture Thu 08:30 10:30 67.107
Tutorial Thu 09:30 10:30 67.303
Tutorial Thu 16:30 17:30 67.203
Tutorial Thu 13:30 14:30 21.G01
Tutorial Thu 16:30 17:30 25.G11
Tutorial Thu 11:30 12:30 19.1017
Tutorial Thu 13:30 14:30 67.203
Tutorial Thu 13:30 14:30 51
Tutorial Thu 13:30 14:30 41.202
Tutorial Thu 09:30 10:30 21.G01
Tutorial Thu 11:30 12:30 21.105
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUF311/Education III
Lecture Thu 14:30 16:30 14.G01
Tutorial Tue 13:30 14:30 19.G005
Tutorial Tue 09:30 10:30 19.G026
Tutorial Thu 11:30 12:30 3.123
Tutorial Mon 12:30 13:30 19.G015
Tutorial Fri 12:30 13:30 21.G05A
Tutorial Fri 13:30 14:30 19.1001
Tutorial Thu 11:30 12:30 21.G01
Tutorial Thu 11:30 12:30 19.G026
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUE314/Interactivity and the WEB (Designing Hypertext Multimedia)
Lecture\Tutorial Wed 09:30 12:30 22.107
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUC323/Curriculum and Program Evaluation
Lecture\Tutorial Mon 09:30 12:30 19.2021
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUE323/Educational Psychology in Teaching & Learning
Lecture\Tutorial Mon 09:30 12:30 52
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDGT940/Materials and Technology
Seminar Mon 16:30 19:30 21.105
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUM333/Mathematics Education Elective II
Seminar Wed 08:30 11:30 53
Seminar Thu 08:30 10:30 53
Seminar Thu 13:30 14:30 53
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUF111/Education I
Lecture Tue 08:30 09:30 40.HOPE
Lecture Wed 15:30 16:30 40.HOPE
Tutorial Mon 13:30 14:30 67.303
Tutorial Tue 13:30 14:30 51
Tutorial Mon 10:30 11:30 21.105
Tutorial Thu 17:30 18:30 19.2001
Tutorial Tue 15:30 16:30 51
Tutorial Mon 17:30 18:30 30.12O
Tutorial Tue 13:30 14:30 40.128
Tutorial Tue 15:30 16:30 21.G05A
Tutorial Tue 13:30 14:30 21.G05A
Tutorial Tue 14:30 15:30 21.G05A
Tutorial Wed 17:30 18:30 30.117
Tutorial Wed 16:30 17:30 40.123
Tutorial Tue 14:30 15:30 21.105
Tutorial Thu 14:30 15:30 19.1002
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUE332/Teaching Grammar and Vocabulary
Lecture Tue 16:30 19:30 25.128
Tutorial Tue 16:30 19:30 40.128
Tutorial Tue 13:30 16:30 40.126
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUT211/Curriculum and Pedagogy II
Seminar Fri 13:30 15:30 51
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUP246/Risk Taking and Young People
Lecture Thu 13:30 15:30 20.2
Tutorial Tue 09:30 10:30 21.G05A
Tutorial Tue 10:30 11:30 21.G05A
Tutorial Tue 08:30 09:30 21.G05A
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDGC821/Understanding Learning B
Lecture Mon 08:30 10:30 14.G01
Tutorial Mon 12:30 13:30 53
Tutorial Fri 12:30 13:30 53
Tutorial Mon 12:30 13:30 21.105
Tutorial Fri 14:30 15:30 21.105
Tutorial Wed 13:30 14:30 19.1083
Tutorial Wed 15:30 16:30 21.105
Tutorial Tue 13:30 14:30 25.G11
Tutorial Fri 13:30 14:30 53
Tutorial Tue 13:30 14:30 19.G005
Tutorial Fri 15:30 16:30 53
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDGI915/Network-Based Learning
Seminar Mon 16:30 19:30 22.107
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDGS919/Reading Difficulties: Program Design and Implementation
Seminar Tue 09:30 10:00 Refer Educ Fac
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUE317/English Language: Examining Learners' Problems
Lecture\Tutorial Tue 15:30 17:30 15.206
Lecture\Tutorial Tue 17:30 19:30 67.302
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDIT102/Information Technology For Learning
Lecture Wed 08:30 09:30 67.107
Tutorial Mon 09:30 11:30 17.104
Tutorial Tue 14:30 16:30 17.104
Tutorial Fri 13:30 15:30 17.104
Tutorial Wed 13:30 15:30 17.104
Tutorial Wed 15:30 17:30 17.104
Tutorial Thu 13:30 15:30 17.104
Tutorial Thu 15:30 17:30 17.104
Tutorial Wed 10:30 12:30 17.104
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDGZ921/Introduction To Research & Inquiry
Seminar Tue 16:30 19:30 67.302
Seminar Tue 16:30 19:30 1.G01
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDGS913/Project in Comtemporary Perspectives
Seminar Wed 16:30 19:30 19.1002
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDGL903/Introduction to Educational Management
Seminar Tue 16:30 19:30 67.343
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDGL910/Project in Leadership of Effective Change
Seminar Thu 16:30 19:30 67.303
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDGI911/Information Technology in Education and Training
Seminar Wed 16:30 19:30 22.107
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDGI912/Project for EDGI911
Seminar Wed 16:30 19:30 22.107
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDGT924/Teaching Listening to Second Language Learners
Seminar Mon 16:30 19:30 21.105
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUE301/Issues in Aboriginal Education
Lecture\Tutorial Wed 13:30 16:30 21.101
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUP453/Professional Studies in PDH&PE
Lecture Fri 08:30 09:30 20.5
Tutorial Fri 11:30 12:30 21.101
Tutorial Fri 10:30 11:30 21.101
Tutorial Fri 12:30 13:30 21.101
Tutorial Fri 09:30 10:30 21.101
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDGC812/Professional Skills A
Lecture Tue 13:30 15:30 67.107
Lecture Fri 08:30 10:30 40.HOPE
Tutorial Mon 13:30 15:30 53
Tutorial Mon 09:30 11:30 21.101
Tutorial Mon 15:30 17:30 67.102
Tutorial Wed 10:30 12:30 19.1002
Tutorial Wed 08:30 10:30 51
Tutorial Wed 10:30 12:30 19.1059
Tutorial Mon 11:30 13:30 21.105
Tutorial Mon 11:30 13:30 53
Tutorial Mon 09:30 11:30 53
Tutorial Wed 08:30 10:30 21.101
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDGC822/Professional Skills B
Lecture Fri 08:30 10:30 25.107
Practical Wed 08:30 09:30 27.105
Practical Wed 09:30 10:30 27.105
Practical Fri 11:30 12:30 URAC Hall 1
Practical Fri 10:30 11:30 URAC Hall 1
Practical Fri 10:30 11:30 27.105
Practical Wed 10:30 11:30 URAC Hall 1
Practical Wed 10:30 11:30 27.105
Practical Wed 09:30 10:30 URAC Hall 1
Practical Wed 08:30 09:30 URAC Hall 1
Tutorial Tue 09:30 10:30 19.1083
Tutorial Tue 09:30 10:30 19.G024
Tutorial Tue 10:30 11:30 19.G027
Tutorial Tue 10:30 11:30 19.2001
Tutorial Mon 14:30 15:30 19.1004
Tutorial Fri 10:30 11:30 19.1083
Tutorial Fri 11:30 12:30 25.159
Tutorial Fri 11:30 12:30 19.1038
Tutorial Mon 15:30 16:30 19.G027
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDGT922/The English Sound System
Seminar Wed 16:30 19:30 21.105
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUE328/The English Sound System
Seminar Wed 16:30 19:30 21.105
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDGS915/Programs for Students with Learning Difficulties
Seminar Tue 13:30 16:30 19.G024
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUM442/Mathematics Education Key Learning Area Elective IV
Lecture\Tutorial Mon 16:30 19:30 53
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUE304/Teaching Language Through Literature in the Primary and Middle Years
Lecture\Tutorial Wed 09:30 12:30 19.21OO
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUE411/Disability Issues Across the Lifespan
Lecture\Tutorial Tue 13:30 16:30 19.1017
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUA224/Creative Arts KLA Elective I
Seminar Mon 13:30 16:30 21.101
Seminar Tue 08:30 11:30 21.101A
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUC292/Gender and Social Justice
Lecture\Tutorial Tue 13:30 16:30 19.G016
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUE326/Curriculum and Program Evaluation
Lecture\Tutorial Mon 09:30 12:30 19.2021
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDIT102/Information Technology For Learning
Lecture Mon 08:30 09:30 67.104
Tutorial Mon 14:30 16:30 17.104
Tutorial Mon 12:30 14:30 17.103
Tutorial Wed 13:30 15:30 17.103
Tutorial Wed 15:30 17:30 17.103
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUP435/First Aid and Sports Medicine
Lecture Mon 08:30 10:30 20.5
Seminar Mon 13:30 15:30 URAC Sports Lounge
Seminar Wed 13:30 15:30 19.G1OO
Seminar Mon 10:30 12:30 21.G05A
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUS444/Human Society and Its Environment Key Learning Area Elective IV
Lecture\Tutorial Mon 13:30 15:30 21.105
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUL442/Language Education Key Learning Area Elective IV
Lecture\Tutorial Mon 15:30 18:30 41.202
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUF421/Leadership and International Perspectives In Education
Lecture Thu 13:30 14:30 20.5
Seminar Thu 14:30 16:30 21.105
Seminar Thu 14:30 16:30 20.5
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDGS922/Teaching Gifted Students
Seminar Wed 16:30 19:30 Refer Educ Fac
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUP123/Movement Concepts and Practices
Lecture Fri 08:30 09:30 67.104
Practical Fri 09:30 10:30 19.1001
Practical Fri 09:30 10:30 19.2002
Practical Fri 10:30 11:30 19.1084
Practical Fri 10:30 11:30 25.149
Practical Fri 10:30 11:30 19.2001
Practical Fri 09:30 10:30 25.159
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUP392/Social and Cultural Perspectives in Physical Activity and Phys Ed
Lecture Tue 13:30 15:30 38.G01
Tutorial Tue 09:30 10:30 25.G11
Tutorial Tue 10:30 11:30 19.G015
Tutorial Tue 08:30 09:30 19.1004
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUT422/Reflective Practice
Seminar Wed 16:30 19:30 52
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDGC813/Learning and Teaching Contexts A
Lecture Fri 11:30 13:30 67.107
Lecture Thu 08:30 10:30 40.HOPE
Tutorial Mon 11:30 13:30 52
Tutorial Fri 14:30 16:30 25.149
Tutorial Thu 13:30 15:30 19.G015
Tutorial Mon 15:30 17:30 8.G21
Tutorial Thu 15:30 17:30 19.2001
Tutorial Mon 09:30 11:30 1.G04
Tutorial Fri 15:30 17:30 19.1004
Tutorial Wed 08:30 10:30 19.1002
Tutorial Thu 10:30 12:30 1.G05
Tutorial Wed 10:30 12:30 19.1056
2005/Wollongong/ANNU/EDGC851/Science Method A
Lecture\Tutorial TBA     Refer Educ Fac
2005/Wollongong/ANNU/EDGC852/Science Method B
Lecture\Tutorial TBA     Refer Educ Fac
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUP144/Health and Health Behaviour
Lecture Tue 15:30 16:30 20.5
Lecture Tue 14:30 15:30 20.5
Tutorial Tue 09:30 10:30 19.1059
Tutorial Tue 08:30 09:30 19.1059
Tutorial Tue 10:30 11:30 19.G005
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUS102/Science and Technology Education
Lecture Mon 10:30 11:30 14.G01
Tutorial Mon 17:30 18:30 21.G01
Tutorial Tue 10:30 11:30 21.G01
Tutorial Mon 16:30 17:30 21.G01
Tutorial Mon 14:30 15:30 21.G01
Tutorial Tue 17:30 18:30 21.G01
Tutorial Mon 13:30 14:30 21.G01
Tutorial Tue 09:30 10:30 21.G01
Tutorial Tue 16:30 17:30 21.G01
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUP333/Motor Learning
Lecture Tue 15:30 16:30 38.G01
Practical Thu 13:30 15:30 27.105
Practical Fri 13:30 15:30 27.105
Practical Wed 13:30 15:30 27.105
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUP391/Research and Evaluation in Physical and Health Education
Lecture Thu 08:30 10:30 67.107
Tutorial Wed 11:30 12:30 22.108
Tutorial Thu 11:30 12:30 19.2103
Tutorial Thu 11:30 12:30 19.1067
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUP447/Sports Studies I
Seminar Mon 08:30 11:30 URAC
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUP382/Leadership and Management Skills in Outdoor Education
Seminar Mon 13:30 16:30 22.102
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUP491/Theory and Application of Special Ed in P&HE
Lecture Tue 08:30 10:30 38.G01
Tutorial Tue 13:30 14:30 21.101A
Tutorial Tue 10:30 11:30 19.1017
Tutorial Tue 11:30 12:30 21.101A
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDGL902/Project in Foundations of Educational Leadership
Seminar Wed 16:30 19:30 67.343
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDGS911/Project in Exceptional Education Practices
Seminar Thu 16:30 19:30 67.343
2005/Wollongong/ANNU/EDGC861/Method for Primary Teachers A (K-2)
Lecture\Tutorial Tue 16:30 19:30 19.2021
Lecture\Tutorial Tue 16:30 19:30 51
Lecture\Tutorial Tue 16:30 19:30 53
Lecture\Tutorial Tue 16:30 19:30 23.125
2005/Wollongong/ANNU/EDGC875/Drama Method
Lecture\Tutorial TBA     Refer Educ Fac
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDGT925/Teaching Writing to Second Language Learners
Seminar Thu 16:30 19:30 1.G05
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUE334/Teaching Writing to Second Language Learners
Seminar Thu 16:30 19:30 1.G05
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDGL905/International Trends In Educational Leadership
Seminar Mon 16:30 19:30 67.301
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDGS914/Assessment and Instruction of Individuals with Moderate/Severe Needs
Seminar Tue 13:30 16:30 19.G024
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDGC823/Learning and Teaching Concepts B
Lecture Wed 14:30 15:30 67.107
Lecture Wed 11:30 12:30 20.1
Lecture Wed 11:30 12:30 67.107
Tutorial Wed 08:30 09:30 51
Tutorial Fri 14:30 15:30 52
Tutorial Fri 10:30 11:30 40.124
Tutorial Mon 11:30 12:30 19.1067
Tutorial Tue 10:30 11:30 19.G002
Tutorial Mon 10:30 11:30 19.1004
Tutorial Wed 15:30 16:30 53
Tutorial Fri 12:30 13:30 21.105
Tutorial Tue 09:30 10:30 19.2002
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUP355/Curriculum Perspectives and Issues in Physical & Health Education
Lecture Thu 08:30 09:30 35.G20
Tutorial Thu 10:30 11:30 21.G01
Tutorial Thu 13:30 14:30 21.G01
Tutorial Thu 11:30 12:30 21.G01
Tutorial Thu 09:30 10:30 21.G01
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUS414/Science and Technology Education Key Learning Area Elective IV
Lecture\Tutorial Tue 16:30 19:30 17.104
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUP441/PDH&PE Key Learning Area Elective III
Lecture\Tutorial Mon 13:30 16:30 19.G002
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUE406/Theories Of Adult Learning
Lecture\Tutorial Wed 09:30 12:30 67.301
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUE407/Inquiry Project In Physical and Health Education
Lecture\Tutorial Mon 13:30 16:30 19.1017
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUE413/Managing Multimedia Resources
Lecture\Tutorial Tue 16:30 19:30 22.107
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUE320/Behaviour Management
Lecture\Tutorial Mon 09:30 12:30 19.G027
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUE324/Gender and Social Justice
Lecture\Tutorial Tue 13:30 16:30 19.G016
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUA442/Creative Arts Key Learning Area Elective IV
Lecture\Tutorial Mon 16:30 19:30 21.101A
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUE321/Reading Difficulties
Lecture\Tutorial Thu 13:30 16:30 19.G016
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUE302/Aboriginal Pedagogy
Lecture\Tutorial Tue 09:30 11:30 52
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUP335/Personal Development Health and Physical Education KLA Elective II
Seminar Wed 13:30 16:30 19.1001
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUM201/Mathematics Education I
Lecture Thu 16:30 18:30 14.G01
Tutorial Wed 13:30 14:30 53
Tutorial Wed 11:30 12:30 53
Tutorial Wed 10:30 11:30 53
Tutorial Wed 09:30 10:30 53
Tutorial Thu 11:30 12:30 53
Tutorial Thu 10:30 11:30 53
Tutorial Thu 09:30 10:30 53
Tutorial Thu 08:30 09:30 53
Tutorial Thu 13:30 14:30 53
Tutorial Wed 08:30 09:30 53
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUP255/Teaching Physical Education
Lecture Wed 08:30 09:30 38.G01
Tutorial Mon 10:30 11:30 51
Tutorial Mon 09:30 10:30 21.105
Tutorial Mon 08:30 09:30 21.105
Tutorial Mon 11:30 12:30 51
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUP256/Teaching Health Education
Lecture Wed 08:30 09:30 20.3
Tutorial Wed 13:30 15:30 21.105
Tutorial Wed 10:30 12:30 21.G01
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUF212/Education II
Lecture Fri 10:30 11:30 40.HOPE
Tutorial Mon 16:30 17:30 19.G016
Tutorial Mon 10:30 11:30 21.105
Tutorial Tue 10:30 11:30 53
Tutorial Wed 13:30 14:30 40.122
Tutorial Tue 09:30 10:30 53
Tutorial Tue 09:30 10:30 21.105
Tutorial Mon 09:30 10:30 53
Tutorial Mon 11:30 12:30 53
Tutorial Mon 15:30 16:30 19.G016
Tutorial Tue 14:30 15:30 19.1083
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDGI931/Interactive Multimedia Design
Seminar Wed 16:30 19:30 22.107
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUE313/Interactive Multimedia by Design
Lecture\Tutorial Fri 09:30 12:30 22.107
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUE321/Reading Difficulties
Lecture\Tutorial Mon 13:30 16:30 40.128
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUE325/Youth, Culture, Education
Lecture\Tutorial Mon 09:30 12:30 40.128
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDGT926/Exploring Genres
Seminar Mon 16:30 19:30 19.G024
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDGL918/Project in Quality Learning and Teaching
Seminar Thu 16:30 19:30 67.301
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDGL901/Foundations of Educational Leadership
Seminar Wed 16:30 19:30 67.343
2005/Wollongong/ANNU/EDGC874/Visual Arts Method B
Lecture\Tutorial Wed 16:30 19:30 21.101
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDGT985/English in Specific Contexts
Seminar Wed 16:30 19:30 21.105
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDGH954/Leading and Managing in Ad Educ/VET/Higher Educ@21C
Seminar Mon 19:30 20:00 22.101
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUE401/Issues In Aboriginal Education
Lecture\Tutorial Thu 09:30 12:30 40.128
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUT211/Curriculum and Pedagogy II
Lecture Mon 08:30 09:30 25.107
Tutorial Mon 12:30 13:30 25.G11
Tutorial Mon 15:30 16:30 52
Tutorial Mon 14:30 15:30 52
Tutorial Mon 13:30 14:30 19.21OO
Tutorial Mon 13:30 14:30 25.149
Tutorial Mon 12:30 13:30 19.2001
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUS203/Human Society and Its Environment
Lecture\Tutorial Tue 13:30 16:30 52
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUP324/Advanced Skill Analysis II
Practical Fri 08:30 10:30 22.102
Practical Fri 10:30 12:30 22.102
Practical Fri 13:30 15:30 22.102
Practical Mon 15:30 16:30 URAC Hall 1
Practical Mon 15:30 16:30 27.105
Practical Mon 13:30 14:30 URAC Hall 1
Practical Mon 14:30 15:30 27.105
Practical Mon 13:30 14:30 27.105
Practical Mon 14:30 15:30 URAC Hall 1
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUP224/Skill Analysis and Performance III
Practical Thu 10:30 11:30 27.105
Practical Thu 09:30 10:30 27.105
Practical Thu 08:30 09:30 27.105
Practical Tue 08:30 09:30 27.105
Practical Thu 10:30 11:30 URAC
Practical Tue 10:30 11:30 27.105
Practical Thu 08:30 09:30 URAC
Practical Thu 09:30 10:30 URAC
Practical Tue 09:30 10:30 27.105
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUP492/Leadership and Management in Physical and Health Education
Lecture Wed 11:30 12:30 35.G20
Tutorial Fri 08:30 10:30 19.G1OO
Tutorial Fri 10:30 12:30 21.105
2005/Wollongong/ANNU/EDGC853/Mathematics Method A
Lecture\Tutorial TBA     Refer Educ Fac
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUF201/Early Childhood Learning Environment II
Lecture Wed 09:30 11:30 52
Tutorial Wed 11:30 12:30 8.G21
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUF252/Child Development and Care II
Lecture\Tutorial Wed 09:30 12:30 52
2005/Wollongong/ANNU/EDGC873/Visual Arts Method A
Lecture\Tutorial Mon 15:30 16:30 21.105
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUE320/Behaviour Management
Lecture\Tutorial Mon 13:30 16:30 19.1084
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUE303/Teaching Language and Literacy Through Literature in Early Childhood
Lecture\Tutorial Fri 09:30 12:30 52
Lecture\Tutorial Fri 13:30 16:30 52
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUE307/Physical Education: Coaching and Sport Administration
Lecture\Tutorial Wed 13:30 15:30 19.G016
Tutorial Wed 15:30 16:30 21.105
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUE315/Environmental Education - The Natural Environment
Lecture\Tutorial Wed 13:30 16:30 21.G01
Lecture\Tutorial Wed 16:30 19:30 21.G01
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUS104/Human Society and Its Environment
Lecture Mon 08:30 09:30 20.1
Lecture Mon 09:30 10:30 20.1
Tutorial Mon 14:30 15:30 19.1084
Tutorial Tue 10:30 11:30 67.201
Tutorial Tue 16:30 17:30 19.G024
Tutorial Tue 17:30 18:30 40.128
Tutorial Thu 17:30 18:30 30.113
Tutorial Mon 17:30 18:30 51
Tutorial Mon 13:30 14:30 52
Tutorial Mon 16:30 17:30 51
Tutorial Tue 09:30 10:30 19.G005
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDGZ924/Research Proposal
Seminar Mon 16:30 19:30 67.343
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDGA917/International & Intercultural Perspectives
Seminar Mon 16:30 19:30 19.G015
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDGL912/Project in Leadership of Curriculum and Instruction
Seminar Mon 16:30 19:30 19.G015
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUS224/Science and Technology Education KLA Elective II
Lecture\Tutorial Mon 08:30 11:30 21.G01
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDGL909/Leadership of Effective Change
Seminar Thu 16:30 19:30 67.303
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDGL917/Quality Learning and Teaching
Seminar Thu 16:30 19:30 67.301
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUP381/Outdoor Education
Seminar Mon 08:30 11:30 40.126
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUT121/Curriculum and Pedagogy I Early Childhood
Lecture Mon 08:30 09:30 40.HOPE
Tutorial Mon 13:30 14:30 4.G31
Tutorial Mon 13:30 14:30 19.1001
Tutorial Mon 14:30 15:30 3.122
Tutorial Mon 13:30 14:30 21.G01
Tutorial Mon 15:30 16:30 3.122
Tutorial Mon 15:30 16:30 53
Tutorial Mon 15:30 16:30 19.G026
Tutorial Mon 14:30 15:30 41.202
Tutorial Mon 15:30 16:30 21.G01
Tutorial Mon 14:30 15:30 19.G024
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDGT984/Theories of Second Language Learning
Seminar Thu 16:30 19:30 38.G01
2005/Wollongong/ANNU/EDGC855/English Method
Lecture\Tutorial Fri 16:30 19:30 19.2021
Lecture\Tutorial Thu 16:30 19:30 21.105
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUS411/Science and Technology Education KLA Elective III
Lecture\Tutorial Tue 16:30 19:30 21.G01
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUE402/Aboriginal Pedagogy
Lecture\Tutorial Tue 13:30 15:30 19.2021
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUP153/Foundations of Personal Development, Health & Physical Education
Lecture Wed 08:30 09:30 20.4
Tutorial Wed 14:30 15:30 21.G05A
Tutorial Wed 13:30 14:30 21.G05A
Tutorial Wed 10:30 11:30 21.101
Tutorial Wed 11:30 12:30 21.101
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUL301/Language and Literacy Studies in Early Childhood
Lecture Thu 14:30 16:30 21.G01
Tutorial Thu 13:30 14:30 40.128
Tutorial Tue 15:30 16:30 40.128
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUF204/Learners With Exceptional Needs
Lecture Fri 11:30 13:30 40.HOPE
Tutorial Tue 13:30 14:30 21.105
Tutorial Tue 16:30 17:30 19.1084
Tutorial Tue 17:30 18:30 67.102
Tutorial Wed 15:30 16:30 19.G015
Tutorial Wed 09:30 10:30 21.105
Tutorial Mon 09:30 10:30 21.105
Tutorial Mon 11:30 12:30 21.105
Tutorial Wed 13:30 14:30 67.301
Tutorial Tue 14:30 15:30 21.105
Tutorial Tue 17:30 18:30 19.1084
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUA331/Creative Arts KLA Elective II
Lecture\Tutorial Mon 13:30 16:30 21.101
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDGI917/Instructional Design
Seminar Mon 16:30 19:30 22.107
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUM441/Mathematics Education Key Learning Area Elective III
Lecture\Tutorial Wed 16:30 19:30 53
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDGL904/Project For EDGL903
Seminar Tue 16:30 19:30 67.343
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDGT976/Text and Context
Seminar Mon 16:30 19:30 19.G024
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDGZ924/Research Proposal
Seminar Mon 16:30 19:30 67.343
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUL101/Language and Literacy Education I
Lecture Tue 16:30 18:30 25.107
Tutorial Wed 10:30 11:30 21.105
Tutorial Wed 11:30 12:30 21.105
Tutorial Wed 11:30 12:30 67.203
Tutorial Wed 13:30 14:30 67.102
Tutorial Wed 14:30 15:30 21.105
Tutorial Wed 11:30 12:30 25.149
Tutorial Wed 14:30 15:30 19.1017
Tutorial Wed 10:30 11:30 19.1001
Tutorial Wed 09:30 10:30 21.105
Tutorial Wed 13:30 14:30 19.G024
2005/Wollongong/SPRG/EDUP346/Sexuality, Identity And Relationships
Lecture Tue 13:30 15:30 35.G20
Tutorial Mon 14:30 15:30 19.G024
Tutorial Mon 15:30 16:30 19.G024
Tutorial Mon 13:30 14:30 19.G024
2005/Wollongong/AUTM/EDUS333/Science and Technology Education (K-6) Elective I
Lecture\Tutorial Tue 08:30 11:30 21.G01
Lecture\Tutorial Wed 09:30 12:30 21.G01

The Timetable may change before the commencement of session.
You should check the Timetable in the first week of lectures.